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Evaluation of Production-Living-Ecology Integration Based onIntrinsic Spatial Distance—A Case Study of Yangzhong City(PDF)


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Evaluation of Production-Living-Ecology Integration Based onIntrinsic Spatial Distance—A Case Study of Yangzhong City
Zhang Wenbin1Fang Weixuan2Ma Jianghong1
(1.College of Science,Chang’an University,Xi’an 710064,China)(2.Institute of Future Cities,The Chinese University of Hong Kong,Hong Kong 999077,China)
intrinsic spatial distanceproduction-living-ecology integrationspatial relationship
In the study of production-living-ecology(PLE)space,PLE integration is still a conceptualized idea. Quantifying the spatial relationship of PLE space is significant to reveal the integration state of PLE space and further promote PLE integration. In this paper,the spatial relationship of PLE space between any two objects is evaluated with intrinsic spatial distance which can capture their PLE structural difference and physical distance at the same time. According to the calculations of intrinsic spatial distance,the spatial relationship between one object and the whole objects is defined as the sum of the spatial relationships between this object and all other object. Then,PLE integration is defined as any object has the same spatial relationship with respect to the whole objects. Finally,the variation of the spatial relationship on each object with respect to the whole objects is quantified to analyze the integration state of PLE space. The experimental results show that the proposed method can effectively evaluate the integration state of PLE space in the study area,and it also has significance for how to further develop the PLE integration.


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Last Update: 2019-03-30