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A Method of Medical Resource Allocation Based on Equilibrium(PDF)


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A Method of Medical Resource Allocation Based on Equilibrium
Ju Yonghe12Wang Jingcheng2Zhu Junwu3Song Heng3Tao Lijian1
(1.School of Public Health,Central South University,Changsha 410083,China)(2.Medical College,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225001,China)(3.School of Information Engineering,Yangzhou University,Yangzhou 225000,China)
medical resourceallianceequilibriumsocial optimizationresource allocation
In the medical system,the medical resource allocation aims at the equilibrium of resource allocation and the maximization of the total revenue. In order to generalize our model,this paper models the medical resource as agent,and presents a methods for finding the equilibrium of resource allocation with agents’alliance based social optimal allocation. Firstly,the agents’groups which meet social optimality are found in the all possible allied pairs; Under the condition of equilibrium exists,the revenue of individual agent will be close to equilibrium after multiple iterations,and an allocation solution which satisfies allocation equilibrium and maximum total revenue is generated. Finally,the example about allocating nurses to sickroom is given to show that this method effectively get an alliance strategy and a revenue allocation scheme satisfied equilibrium.


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Last Update: 2019-06-30