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Mathematical Programming Models for Estimating the InitialStates of Markov Chains by Maximum Likelihood(PDF)


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Mathematical Programming Models for Estimating the InitialStates of Markov Chains by Maximum Likelihood
Lou Zhenkai1Hou Fujun1Lou Xuming2
(1. School of Management and Economics,Beijing Institute of Technology,Beijing 100081,China)(2.School of Economics and Management,Xi’an University of Posts and Telecommunications,Xi’an 710121,China)
estimation of the initial statemaximum likelihoodmathematical programming modelsK-T condition
Parameters estimationis a common issue in Markov models. Owing to the importance of the initial state,in this paper we estimate the initial state for Markov chain models which the initial state is unknown. According to whether the states are visible,we divide the models into general Markov models and hidden Markov models. We build linear programming models and non-linear programming models by maximum likelihood with considering the amount of states or observation symbols,and prove that the probabilities of state at each stage meet the normalization of probability. For linear programming models,we point out that they can be solved by the simplex method,and show the expression of solution. For non-linear programming models,we account for the existence of the optimal solution,and turn models into equations by K-T condition. In the examples,we apply lingo to obtain the optimal solution while the equations are hard to solve.


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Last Update: 2019-06-30