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Calculation Methods for Local Space Carrying Capacity ofa Scenic Area with Consideration of Land Use Type(PDF)


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Calculation Methods for Local Space Carrying Capacity ofa Scenic Area with Consideration of Land Use Type
Ge Junlian123Song Xiaoqing1234Liu Fengyuan123Zhang Ling123Long Yi123
(1.Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment Ministry of Education(Nanjing Normal University),Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.The State Key Laboratory of Geographical Environment Evolution in Jiangsu Province,Nanjing Normal Univ
local space carrying capacity land use type scenic area unit multi-level spatial organization
In recent years,with the rapid development of the tourism industry,the carrying capacity of scenic spots has become a hot issue in tourism research. Existing research usually estimates the carrying capacity of overall space for a scenic area,and it lacks consideration of the carrying capacity of internal space units,so-called local space carrying capacity. Moreover,these carrying capacity estimation models do not take into account the changes of the per capita carrying area(α)of tourists caused by different land types and spatial differences within the scenic area. So,the accuracy of the estimation results is low. From the aspect of the local space carrying capacity,combined with the land use type of the scenic area,a multi-level spatial organization of the scenic entity,unit and area is constructed. Based on this,an estimation model of the local space carrying capacity of a scenic spot is proposed. Taking Nanjing Presidential Palace as an experimental area,the validity and applicability of the model in estimating the local space carrying capacity are verified.


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Last Update: 2019-12-31