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Research on the Influence of Cloud Service Innovation ofInternet Tourism Enterprises on Brand Equity Value(PDF)


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Research on the Influence of Cloud Service Innovation ofInternet Tourism Enterprises on Brand Equity Value
Zhang Lan1He Xueying1Cao Fangdong2
(1.School of Finance and Business,Shanghai Normal University,Shanghai 200234,China)(2.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
cloud computingservice innovationbrand equityInternet tourism enterprise
Based on the theory of service innovation and brand equity,this paper analyzes the influence mechanism of Internet tourism enterprises to improve the value of brand equity by using cloud computing technology for service innovation under the background of smart city development. Sample data were obtained through field investigation. SPSS22.0 and AMOS21.0 statistical software were used for empirical analysis. Cloud service innovation includes four dimensions: cloud service concept,cloud service interface,cloud service delivery and cloud technology guarantee.The results of regression analysis show that:(1)“Cloud service concept”and“cloud technology guarantee”significantly affect brand equity value;(2)There are differences in the effect of“cloud service delivery and cloud service interface”on brand equity value;(3)“Cloud service concept”influences three dimensions of brand equity value at the same time;(4)“Cloud technology guarantee”has a significant impact on brand equity value,and the regression effect of influencing factors is the most prominent. The research conclusion can provide decision-making reference for Internet tourism enterprises to implement cloud service innovation strategy,so as to improve the brand value of enterprises,improve business efficiency and strengthen competitive strength.


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Last Update: 2020-05-15