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Empirical Study on the Factors Influencing the UsersContinuous Use of Shopping APP(PDF)


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Empirical Study on the Factors Influencing the UsersContinuous Use of Shopping APP
Zhou Pei12Fu Suyun1Zhao Yuechun1
(1.School of Business,Jinling Institute of Technology,Nanjing 211169,China)(2.Institute of Management Science,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098,China)
shopping APPuser continuance intentiontechnology acceptance modeltheory of plamed bahavionexpectation confirmation modelempirical study
Shopping APP has a great development potential in the e-commerce market,but its high download amount and high uninstall amount form a sharp contrast. Thus,continuous use by users is the key to the success of shopping APP. In view of this,exploring the factors that affect users’ continuous use becomes an effective way to solve the above problems. Based on technology acceptance model,this paper introduced elements of theory of plamed bahavion and expectation confirmation model,combined with the characteristics of different shopping apps,built a theoretical model of influencing factors for shopping APP users’ continuous use. Though the questionnaire survey on college students in 10 universities in Nanjing,the conclusions indicate that personal innovation,perceived entertainment,perceived usefulness,quality of service,structural assurance,subjective paradigm and users’ satisfaction are important factors affecting users’ continuous use of shopping apps.


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Last Update: 2020-05-15