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Research on Hierarchical Partition of Urban CatchmentArea Based on Multiple Factors(PDF)


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Research on Hierarchical Partition of Urban CatchmentArea Based on Multiple Factors
Zhu Zhizhou1Zhang Shuliang12Wang Yimei1Yang Qiqi1Dai Qiang12
(1.Key Laboratory of Virtual Geographic Environment of Ministry of Education,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application,Nanjing 210023,China)
urban rainfall and flood simulationmultiple factorcatchment areahierarchical partitionLiandu District of Lishui City
In order to effectively improve the modeling quality of urban stormwater models,the urban land surface watershed hierarchical partition method that took into account multiple factors has been proposed in this paper which was based on traditional hydrological analysis methods and the spatial cognition concept of multi-level catchment area was combined. The method incorporated different levels of elements such as terrain,rivers,buildings,roads,and artificial drainage facilities,and the urban land surface was divided into three levels according to the principle of large to small as well as step-by-step refinement. The rain flood model was experimentally carried out in Liandu District of Lishui City,China. The verification results showed that the simulation results obtained by the hierarchical partition method in the SWMM model and the MOUSE model were more accurate than the Thiessen polygon method. After field comparison,it was found that the method results were consistent with the actual real water situation basically in the field. The method has been proved to be applicable to the more complicated urban catchment division,and it could provide reference for urban flood control and disaster reduction research,as well as guide disaster recovery work to a certain extent.


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Last Update: 2020-09-15