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Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Driving Factor Identification ofUrban Construction Land Efficiency in Counties of Jiangsu Province(PDF)


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Spatial-Temporal Characteristics and Driving Factor Identification ofUrban Construction Land Efficiency in Counties of Jiangsu Province
Guo Xiangyang1Mu Xueqing2Ding Zhengshan1
(1.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.College of Tourism and Geography,Yunnan Normal University,Kunming 650500,China)
urban construction land efficiencyspatial patterndriving factorsgeographically weighted regressionJiangsu counties
Using Bootstrap-DEA model,exploratory spatial data analysis and geographical weighted regression,the spatial and temporal characteristics of urban construction land efficiency in 54 counties and cities of Jiangsu Province from 2010 to 2016,and the spatial heterogeneity of influencing factors were revealed. The results show that:(1)from 2010 to 2016,the comprehensive efficiency,pure technical efficiency and scale efficiency of urban construction land efficiency in counties of Jiangsu Province show a continuous growth trend,and the inter-regional construction land efficiency shows a spatial trend of Southern Jiangsu>Central Jiangsu>Northern Jiangsu.(2)The comprehensive efficiency and decomposition efficiency of urban construction land efficiency in counties show a trend of spatial agglomeration on the whole,and the evolution of local spatial pattern shows that the focus of comprehensive efficiency is mainly in the south of Jiangsu,showing a pattern of “convergence club”,while the cold spots are concentrated in the north of Jiangsu,with a significant difference between the north and the south; The overall pattern of pure technical efficiency has some changes,and the hot spots tend to be concentrated in the south of Jiangsu. The overall pattern of scale efficiency changes relatively large,the hot spots are locked in Suzhou,Wuxi,Changzhou and Nanjing.(3)The geographical spatial differentiation pattern of urban construction land comprehensive efficiency in counties has been verified as the result of non-linear conjugation of multiple factors such as population agglomeration,economic effects,technological innovation,government regulation,and opening up. The conclusion of the study reflects the efficiency pattern and influencing factors of urban construction land efficiency in Jiangsu Province,and provides a reference for formulating land control policies.


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Last Update: 2020-09-15