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Reactive Voltage Control Method Based on Smart Grid Technology(PDF)


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Reactive Voltage Control Method Based on Smart Grid Technology
Yao HaoyangXie QiongtaoGai Zhiwu
Departmentl of Physics and Electronic Engineering,Hainan Normal University,Haikou 571158,China
smart gridpower systemautomatic voltage control(AVC)reactive voltage control
Since on the current power grid reactive voltage control method in some parts of the country is relatively backward,the interaction between the regional power grid ability is weak,and there is the problem of poor performance of power system voltage control. We redesigned the reactive voltage control scheme of the regional power system and put forward the hierarchical control regional power grid voltage method,which can realize control of the specific regional power grid reactive voltage optimization. Based on automatic voltage control(AVC)system,the power system scheduling model is constructed. An average coordination was used to solve the minimum limit of power factor,the power system load level with the average coordinates the relationship between the change of the power factor. The optimization algorithm of electric net loss minimum proved the validation of the smart grid in the power system automatic voltage control technology. The effectiveness of the verification results show that for the regional power grid reactive voltage control,the proposed control method has high control effect.


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Last Update: 2020-11-15