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Performance uation of GLS Receiver Under Requirementsfor Precision Approach Operation(PDF)


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Performance uation of GLS Receiver Under Requirementsfor Precision Approach Operation
Zhong LunlongZhang ZhuoxuanFan Zhendong
Tianjin Key Laboratory for Advanced Signal Processing,Civil Aviation University of China,Tianjin 300300,China
GBAS landing system(GLS)navigation receiverprecision approachperformance uation
V241.6 TP391
As a new generation of precision approach landing system,GBAS landing system(GLS)has advantages that traditional landing methods cannot match. The performance uation of the GLS system is helpful for analyzing flight quality and airworthiness certification of GLS airborne parts. Moreover,it can promote the application of Beidou system in civil aviation. Through analyzing the architecture of airborne GLS subsystem,as well as the relationship between performance parameters and requirements during precision approach operations,a performance uation scheme for the GLS receiver is proposed. Then,the uation algorithms for key navigation performance parameters are researched and designed. A performance uation system for GLS receiver under requirements for precision approach operation is developed. The uation results of aircraft track data using actual GLS for landing show that the performance uation scheme and system in this paper are feasible.


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Last Update: 2020-11-15