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Distribution and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Seawater,Sediments and Organisms in Coastal Areas of Binhai in Jiangsu Province(PDF)


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Distribution and Health Risk Assessment of Heavy Metals in Seawater,Sediments and Organisms in Coastal Areas of Binhai in Jiangsu Province
Qiu YifeiWang JingXu Min
College of Marine Science and Engineering,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China
heavy metalcomprehensive pollution index method of water qualitycomprehensive potential ecological risktarget hazard quotients(THQ)bioaccumulation ability
In this paper,the contents of heavy metals in seawater,sediments and organisms in coastal areas of Binhai in Jiangsu Province in January,April,July,October and December 2019 were analyzed. Among them,the monthly average concentration of heavy metals in the seawater met Grade I of the Seawater Quality Standard of China,among which heavy metal concentration exceeds the standard in some stations in January,April and December. The water quality pollution index of each month in the surveyed sea area showed a decreasing trend from April to December,and the overall value was relatively stable without heavy metal pollution. The concentration of heavy metals in the sediments at all stations met Grade I of the Sediment Quality Standard of China. The potential ecological hazard indexes of the six heavy metals ranged from Cd>As>Hg>Pb>Cu>Zn,and were of low harm degree. The comprehensive potential ecological hazard index was the highest in January,and the annual value was relatively stable,indicating a low hazard level. The estimated weekly intake(EWI)of the three seafood products selected in this paper was all lower than the provisional tolerable weekly intake(PTWI)for human beings established by WHO. Marine organisms were more capable of accumulating heavy metals from seawater than from sediments. The results of target hazard quotients(THQ)showed that there was a certain degree of As pollution in Collichthys lucidus in the study area,and the other heavy metals were of low hazard grade.


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Last Update: 2021-03-15