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Feature Selection Method Based on Coefficient ofVariation and Maximum Feature Tree(PDF)


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Feature Selection Method Based on Coefficient ofVariation and Maximum Feature Tree
Xu HaifengZhang YanLiu JiangLü Danjv
School of Big Data and Intelligent Engineering,Southwest Forestry University,Kunming 650224,China
feature selectionfeature contribution scoringcoefficient of variationmutual
Feature selection is a key process in data mining. Feature contribution scoring and feature optimization are its core parts. This paper proposed a CVMI(coefficient of variation and mutual of information)method that used the coefficient of variation to measure the distance between intraclass and the mutual information to measure the distance between interclass,and then applied the algorithm to the embedded feature selection method. The experiment used four UCI data sets,one set of remote sensing data and birds sound data,and tested seven different feature contribution scoring methods. The results showed that the CVMI method was more in line with the objective law of feature contribution uation. It also achieved better results compared to the other feature scoring methods. Besides,this paper also proposed a feature optimization method CVMI-RRMFT(remove redundancy of maximum feature tree)based on CVMI to construct a maximum feature tree and remove redundancy with two-neighborhood. Experiment results demonstrated that this feature optimization method effectively reduced data dimensions and improved the classification accuracy.


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Last Update: 2021-03-15