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Research on Urban Street Vitality and Beauty Degree in City CenterBased on Multi-source Data:a Case Study ofGulou District,Fuzhou City(PDF)


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Research on Urban Street Vitality and Beauty Degree in City CenterBased on Multi-source Data:a Case Study ofGulou District,Fuzhou City
Lin Runze12Zou Cheng12Wang Ziling12Yang Junning12Zeng Zhen12Li Xiaohe12
(1.College of Landscape Architecture,Fujian Agriculture and Forestry University,Fuzhou 350002,China)(2.Research Center for Human Settlements of Strait Beautiful Countryside,Fuzhou 350000,China)
street vitalitybeauty degreemulti-source dataGulou DistrictFuzhou City
As the skeleton of the city,the street is an important carrier for the vitality of the city. Improving street vitality is one of the important measures to improve the happiness index of residents in the city. Using population thermal data,Google street view images,and points of interest(POI),an uation system was constructed from the three levels of street space vitality intensity,street beauty degree and infrastructure perfection to qualitatively and quantitatively determine the street space vitality in Gulou District,Fuzhou City. The study found that:firstly,the overall vitality of Gulou District is characterized by the spatial distribution of “multi-centered and two-zones”. The population thermal of streets outside the second ring road is relatively hot,and the inner side of the second ring road has significantly weakened due to the hollowing out of the city. Secondly,POI is spatially condensed with Three Lanes and Seven Alleys as the core,and the high-density core area outside the second ring sharply decreases. Thirdly,the overall beauty degree and satisfaction degree of the streets in Gulou District are low,and the green viewing rate is an important factor affecting the beauty of the streets. Finally,among the three uation indicators,street beauty degree and population thermal have a significant positive correlation. Compared with infrastructure perfection,creating a beautiful street space can improve the overall vitality of the street in an all-round way.


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Last Update: 2021-09-15