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“Commercialized”Sharing:Spatial-Temporal Evolution Characteristics andContributing Factors of Airbnb Listings in the Main Urban Area of Beijing(PDF)


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“Commercialized”Sharing:Spatial-Temporal Evolution Characteristics andContributing Factors of Airbnb Listings in the Main Urban Area of Beijing
Zhong Xing12Hou Guolin12Wen Xiaojiu1Ma Xiaobin12Li Qingqing12
(1.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application,Nanjing 210023,China)
shared accommodationcommercializationAirbnb listingspatial-temporal evolutionthe main urban area of Beijing
The prosperity and development of the shared accommodation industry has attracted many commercial operators into the market. The trend of commercialization is becoming more and more significant,and the attribution of “sharing”has changed quietly. Based on the data of Airbnb listings in the main urban area of Beijing from 2010 to 2019,the listings resources are divided into I,II,and III according to the degree of commercialization. The spatial and temporal distribution characteristics and spatial agglomeration causes of various Airbnb listings are calculated by using grid dimension model,DBSCAN clustering algorithm and geographic detector. The findings are listed as follows. Firstly,the proportion of II and III Airbnb listings in the main urban area of Beijing is as high as 80%,and the degree of commercialization is higher than that of overseas cities such as Boston,Lisbon and San Francisco.Secondly,the number of Airbnb listings in the main urban area of Beijing is increasing year by year,which is characterized by“phased development and stable expansion in the later period”. Thirdly,Airbnb listings in the main urban area of Beijing have obvious fractal characteristics,and the fractal structure is complex,showing“multi-center agglomeration,continuous development,fission-type diffusion”. Among them,the distribution of I listings are the most balanced,the cluster centers at all levels develop independently,and the cluster distribution of II listings are“more in the east and less in the west”,the fractal structure of III listings are underdeveloped,showing a“strong in the south and weak in the north”characteristic. Finally,development foundation,business prosperity,socio-economic factors,and public service levels are important factors influencing the agglomeration of Airbnb listings. And the higher the degree of commercialization of Airbnb listings is,the more complex the factors affecting their aggregation are.


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Last Update: 2021-12-15