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Physical Activity,Screen Time and Sleep Duration:CombinedAssociations with Depression in College Students(PDF)


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Physical Activity,Screen Time and Sleep Duration:CombinedAssociations with Depression in College Students
Fa Jiejin
Department of Physical Education,Nanjing University of Information Science & Technology,Nanjing,210044,China
physical activityscreen timesleep durationdepressioncollege student
This study was aimed to explore the relationship between physical activity(PA),screen time(ST),sleep duration(SD)and depressive of college students. A total of 1 031 college students participated in the survey,which provided effective data for this study. The self-reported questionnaire was used to collect the information of sociodemographic parameters of participants. The college students’ health behavior questionnaire was used to uate PA(days of moderate to high-intensity PA),ST(daily ST hours)and SD(daily SD hours). The depressive symptoms of the study participants were assessed by the adult depression scale. The relationship between PA,ST,SD and depressive symptoms was estimated by generalized linear model. After controlling for gender,body mass index,grade,race,place of residence,siblings,family wealth,father and mother’s education level,it was found that only ST was positively correlated with depressive symptoms(β=0.17,P=0.005). Studies have shown that excessive ST is harmful to adolescent depression. Reducing ST may be effective for intervention or preventions of depression.


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Last Update: 2021-12-15