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Research on Physical Exercise Engagement of College Studentsfrom the Perspective of Positive Psychology(PDF)


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Research on Physical Exercise Engagement of College Studentsfrom the Perspective of Positive Psychology
Wang Xiangning1Wan Yi1He Yunmeng2
(1.Department of Physical Education,Nanjing Forestry University,Nanjing 210037,China)(2.School of Humanities,Southeast University,Nanjing 211189,China)
positive psychologyphysical exercise engagementexercise effectiveness
Based on the relevant research results of positive psychology,this paper explains the connotation,structure,measurement of physical exercise engagement. Taking the students in Nanjing Forestry University as the research object,this paper empirically analyzes the causal mechanism of college students’ physical exercise engagement. The results show that:(1)Self-efficacy,campus environment and interpersonal support are the key antecedents of physical exercise engagement,which have a positive and significant impact on physical exercise engagement. Besides,campus environment and interpersonal support have a moderating effect on the impact of self-efficacy on physical exercise engagement.(2)The effect of physical exercise and positive psychological quality are the important outcome variables of physical exercise engagement. The degree of physical exercise engagement is positively correlated with individual exercise effectiveness and positive psychological quality. What’s more,exercise effectiveness has a mediating effect on the impact of physical exercise engagement on positive psychological quality. On this basis,this paper puts forward the countermeasures of physical education reform and personnel training in colleges and universities.


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Last Update: 2021-12-15