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Quantity Noun Phrase Structure Recognition Based on Combined Deep Learning Model(PDF)


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Quantity Noun Phrase Structure Recognition Based on Combined Deep Learning Model
Shi Hanyu1Qu Weiguang12Wei Tingxin23Zhou Junsheng1Gu Yanhui1
(1.School of Computer and Electronic Information/School of Artificial Intelligence,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.School of Chinese Language and Literature,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)(3.International College for Chinese Studies,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China)
the recognition of quantity noun phrasesBERTlattice LSTMCRF
The research on recognition of quantity noun phrases is the identity of the left and right boundaries of quantity noun phrases. In previous studies,this task focuses on the recognition of quantity phrase and relies on artifical features which are constructed by experts based on statistical learning models. In this paper,we aim at the recognition of quantity noun phrases which have 8 subtypes and propose a neural network model to address the issue. Firstly,BERT is used to represent the contextual features of the original text. Then,the standard word segmentation is incorporated into the feature representation of the text character level as a soft feature by using the idea of Lattice LSTM model. Finally,the left and right boundaries of the“quantity noun phrase”are identified by the CRF global constraint. The experimental results show that this method achieves the better results and the precision,recall and F1 value reaches 80.83%,89.78%,85.07% respectively in the corpus of CAMR.


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