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The Impact Mechanism of Air Quality and Tourists' Air Quality Sensitivity on Tourist Flow of Scenic Spots:a Case Study of Nanjing(PDF)


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The Impact Mechanism of Air Quality and Tourists' Air Quality Sensitivity on Tourist Flow of Scenic Spots:a Case Study of Nanjing
Luo Run1Zhou Nianxing12
(1.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)(2.Jiangsu Center for Collaborative Innovation in Geographical Information Resource Development and Application,Nanjing 210023,China)
air qualitytourists' air quality sensitivitymoderating effecttourist flow of scenic spotstemporal correlationimpact
Based on the data of 2018-2019 air quality index(AQI)and tourist flow of 4A and 5A scenic spots in Nanjing,the temporal correlation between air quality and tourist flow was analyzed by using HP filtering and wavelet analysis method. Furthermore,multiple regression model was used to explore the impact of air quality on tourist flow and the moderating effect of tourists' air quality sensitivity. The results showed that AQI was negatively correlated with tourist flow in Nanjing from 2018 to 2019 in spring,autumn and winter,while positively correlated in summer. Different grades of air quality had a differentiated effect on tourist flow. Excellent and good air quality had a weak promoting effect on tourist flow,while mild,moderate and severe pollution had a weak inhibiting effect on tourist flow. The impact of AQI on tourist flow of different types of scenic spots was different. Compared with outdoor scenic spots,AQI had a greater inhibition effect on the tourist flow of indoor scenic spots. From 2018 to 2019,AQI had a weak negative effect on tourist flow,and the tourists' air quality sensitivity enhanced the negative effect of AQI on tourist flow.


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Last Update: 2022-09-15