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Mechanism of the Effect of Regional Integration on Tourism Economic Growth: Quasi-Natural Experiment from Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration(PDF)


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Mechanism of the Effect of Regional Integration on Tourism Economic Growth: Quasi-Natural Experiment from Yangtze River Delta Urban Agglomeration
Wang ZhaofengZhang Xiantian
(College of Tourism, Hunan Normal University, Changsha 410081, China)
regional integration tourism economy double difference model mechanism of the effect Yangtze River Delta urban agglomeration
Regional integration has increasingly become an important appeal for tourism economic growth,which has profound significance to driving the high-quality development of tourism. Based on the data of 217 cities of prefecture level and above in China from 2002 to 2019,this paper empirically tests the impact of the regional integration policy of the Yangtze River Delta on tourism economic growth through the construction of a double difference model(DID),and analyzes its function mechanism. The study found that:(1)The regional integration policy of the Yangtze River Delta can significantly promote tourism economic growth. After the PSM-DID test and the placebo test,the conclusion remains true.(2)The tourism economic effect of the regional integration policy of the Yangtze River Delta is instantaneous and heterogeneous,and plays the benefits of the current period of policy implementation. And the impact on the tourism economy of core cities is significantly higher than that of non-core cities.(3)The regional integration policy of the Yangtze River Delta can promote the development of tourism economy through technological innovation,industrial agglomeration,industrial structure upgrading. And the positive effect of influencing tourism economic growth through tourism industry agglomeration is the biggest,scientific and technological innovation has followed it up,industrial structure upgrading is minimal.


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Last Update: 2023-03-15