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Anthropologic Analysison Five Tongue Moving Types of Yao in Libo, Guizhou(PDF)


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Anthropologic Analysison Five Tongue Moving Types of Yao in Libo, Guizhou
Luo WenbinLiu YunminYang XiaojuanLuo SiyiChen FengjunYu YueshengPan KaichangChu JianhanLuo Haiyan
(Qiannan Medical College for Nationalities, Duyun 558013, China)
Baikuyao Qingyao Changshanyao tongue moving type cluster analysis
Using random sampling method,a sample of 260 Baikuyao students(127 males,133 females)and 149 Qingyao students(89 males,60 females)and 112 Changshanyao peoples(42 males,70 females)in Libo County of Guizhou Province was investigated on five tongue moving types,including tongue rolling,tongue twisting,tongue folding,clover-leaf tongue and pointed tongue.The results were as follows,(1)The frequencies of rolling,folding,twisting,pointed tongue and clover leaf-tongue were 48.85%、3.58%、19.62%、63.08% and 1.15% respectively in Baikuyao. And there were 51.01%,4.03%,22.15%,61.74%,3.36% respectively in Qingyao and there were 51.79%,6.25%,19.64%,59.82%,1.79% respectively in Changshanyao. Sexual difference in the occurrence rate of 5 tongue moving types is not statistically significant of Baikuyao,Qingyao and Changshanyao in Libo County of Guizhou Province.(2)Comparing with other ethnic groups,Baikuyao,Qingyao and Changshanyao in Libo County had a lower frequency of tongue rolling,tongue folding and clover-leaf tongue,a middle frequency of tongue twisting,a high frequency of tongue pointed.(3)There was no gene interactions between the 5 tongue moving types of Baikuyao nationalities in Libo. The gene of tongue rolling had interactive relations with the tongue clover-leaf gene in Qingyao students,and there were gene interactions between tongue rolling and tongue twisting,tongue folding and clover-leaf tongue in Changshanyao peoples.(4)The results of cluster analysis showed that the tongue moving types of Baikuyao in Libo were closest relationship with Qingyao and Changshanyao.


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Last Update: 2023-03-15