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Visualization of Research Trends of Main Invasive Species (Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea maculate) of Pomacea genus(PDF)


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Visualization of Research Trends of Main Invasive Species (Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea maculate) of Pomacea genus
Tan Yin12Zhou Zihao12Huang Jinlong12Wu Zhengjun12
(1.Guangxi Normal University, Key Laboratory of Ecology and Environmental Protection of Rare and Endangered Animals and Plants, Ministry of Education, Guilin 541006, China)
(2.Guangxi Normal University, Key Laboratory of Ecology of Rare and Endangered Animals, Guilin 541006, China)
research hotspot Pomacea canaliculata Pomacea maculata CiteSpace VOSviewer visualization analysis
G353.1; Q958
To understand and compare the research trends and hot topics in the field of Pomacea genus worldwide in recent years,with the China CNKI database and the SCI-E database(Extended Edition of the Scientific Citation Index)of the core corpus of Web of Science(WOS)databaseTMas the data source,CiteSpace and VOSviewer softwares were utilized to analyze the annual number of articles,author and national cooperation network,keyword co-occurrence,clustering and bursting,and literatures co-citation of 415 related articles(398 in Chinese and 415 in English)in the research field of two species(Pomacea canaliculata and Pomacea maculate)with the strongest invasion ability and the widest invasion scope in the genus Pomacea from 2009 to 2021 were conducted. The results show that,since 2009,the international research in this field has been hot,and the number of published articles has generally increased in waves,while the domestic research has slowed down,and the number of published articles has generally declined. In this field,domestic publishing areas are mainly concentrated in the south of the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River and coastal areas,Internationally,China,Argentina,the United States and Brazil are the main countries that publish articles. China has the largest number of publications and constitutes the main national force in this field with Argentina and the United States. Close cooperation among countries,the cooperation network covers Asia,South America,North America,Western Europe and Australia. In recent years,the research hotspots in this field are different at home and abroad,Angiostrongylus cantonensis and Ampullaria gigas's stress resistance and control are the focus of research in China at present and even in the future for a long time. In the world,the research hotspots in recent years are individual identification,phylogenetic analysis,geographical origin and evolution of species. In addition,damage and using,protein formation,egg and introgression hybridization are the international research frontiers in this field.


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Last Update: 2023-03-15