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The Influence Mechanism of Residents' Relational Embeddedness on Pro-Tourism Behavioral Intention in Rural Tourism Destinations(PDF)


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The Influence Mechanism of Residents' Relational Embeddedness on Pro-Tourism Behavioral Intention in Rural Tourism Destinations
Bao JiaqiHuang ZhenfangYu RunzheZhang Ziang
(School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
relational embeddedness pro-tourism behavioral intention community attachment perception of tourism impact resident's satisfaction
Residents' pro-tourism behavior plays an important role in the success and sustainable development of rural tourism. Based on the theory of “cognition-affect-intention”,this paper introduces the variable relational embeddedness to measure the relationship between residents and the variable community attachment to measure the relationship between residents and communities,constructs a theoretical model of the influence mechanism of residents' pro-tourism behavioral intention in rural tourism destinations. Partial least squares structural equation modeling is used for the empirical test. The results show that:(1)Perception of positive tourism impact and residents' satisfaction have a significantly direct and positive influence on pro-tourism behavioral intention.(2)Relational embeddedness has a direct and positive influence on community attachment,and relational embeddedness and community attachment can strengthen the perception of positive tourism impact,improve residents' satisfaction,promote pro-tourism behavior intention.(3)There is no direct and significant relationship between perception of negative tourism impact and pro-tourism behavioral intention,but perception of negative tourism impact can indirectly influence pro-tourism behavioral intention through residents' satisfaction. This paper reveals the influence mechanism of residents' pro-tourism behavior intention,which provides theoretical basis and management enlightenment for promoting residents' support for tourism and achieving sustainable development of rural tourism.


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Last Update: 2023-09-15