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Research on Influencing Factors of Water Environmental Protection Behavior of Residents Along the Yangtze River:Based on Extended Norm Activation Model(NAM)(PDF)


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Research on Influencing Factors of Water Environmental Protection Behavior of Residents Along the Yangtze River:Based on Extended Norm Activation Model(NAM)
Zhao Ling12Tian Yuan1
(1.College of Marine Culture and Law,Shanghai Ocean University,Shanghai 201306,China)
(2.Yangtze River Waters Ecological Protection Strategy Research Center,Shanghai 201306,China)
Yangtze River protection environmental behavior environmental risk perception environmental knowledge Norm Activation Model
The water environmental protection behavior of residents along the the Yangtze River plays an important role in the protection of the River. Based on the Normative Activation Model(NAM),this paper explored the impact of the original factors of the model,such as consequence awareness,responsibility attribution and individual norms on environmental behavior. And the impact of extended factors such as environmental risk perception and environmental knowledge. And the research also explores the moderating effect of social atmosphere.Based on the survey results of 4 cities in the middle and lower reaches of the Yangtze River,the structural equation model and hierarchical regression method are used for analysis. The study found that residents' consequence awareness of water environmental protection has a positive effect on individual norms,and affects environmental behavior through individual norms. Residents' risk perception of water environment change can have a positive impact on individual norms,but it lacks a direct impact on environmental behavior. The degree of environmental knowledge can not only indirectly affect environmental behavior through individual norms,but also directly promote environmental behavior. Social atmosphere plays a positive moderating role in the impact of individual norms on environmental behavior. Based on the research conclusion,this paper puts forward relevant policy recommendations for the water environment protection of the Yangtze River.


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Last Update: 2023-09-15