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Carbon Emissions Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment in Suzhou After Waste Classification(PDF)


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Carbon Emissions Analysis of Municipal Solid Waste Treatment in Suzhou After Waste Classification
Fu Fengying1Xu Yongjun1Xia Jinyu2Zhu Shuiyuan2Wang Yutong2Yao Fenggen2Huang Rong2
(1.Jiangsu Modern Low-Carbon Technology Institute,Suzhou 215000,China)
(2.Suzhou Environmental Sanitation Adnition Administration Agency,Suzhou 215000,China)
municipal solid waste treatment carbon emission calculation carbon emission reduction resourceful utilization Suzhou
To study the situation of carbon emissions of municipal solid waste treatment in Suzhou after waste classification,this paper explores the five main urban areas of Suzhou with the method of carbon emission factor and the National Greenhouse Gas Inventory Guidelines from the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change(IPCC). The results show that the total carbon emissions of municipal solid waste treatment fluctuate fractionally,and the annual carbon emissions are around 1.55 million tons. Other waste incineration has the highest carbon emission intensity,while the recycling and utilization of recyclable materials represent negative carbon emissions. The carbon reduction of 369.9 kg per ton of recyclables is significant. Based on a slump from 870.46 kg/t to 410.17 kg/t of the carbon emission intensity of municipal solid waste treatment in Suzhou after waste classification,continuing to promote waste classification and improve the recycling efficiency of kitchen waste and recyclables is currently a prominent approach to the decrease of carbon emissions of municipal solid waste treatment.


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Last Update: 2023-09-15