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Effect of Built Environment on Ventilation Potential Based on Multi-scale Geographically Weighted Regression:a Case Study of the Main Urban Area of Wuhan(PDF)


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Effect of Built Environment on Ventilation Potential Based on Multi-scale Geographically Weighted Regression:a Case Study of the Main Urban Area of Wuhan
Yang JiamingAn RuiTong ZhaominLiu Yanfang
(School of Resource and Environmental Sciences,Wuhan University,Wuhan 430079,China)
circuit theory ventilation potential built environment multi-scale geographically weighted regression
Metropolises tend to improve urban ventilation potential through optimizing built environment(BE)to alleviate urban heat island and promote regional environment quality. The simulation of the urban ventilation potential based on wind tunnel tests and other methods lack continuous monitoring on a large scale,and traditional regression methods overlook the spatial non-stationary and scale effects of built environment effects. This paper applies circuit theory to identify the ventilation potential of the main urban area of Wuhan, forms an indicator system to describe the BE based on 3Ds(density,diversity,design)theory,and compares the results of ordinary least squares(OLS),geographically weighted regression(GWR)and multi-scale geographically weighted regression(MGWR)models detailedly. The result has confirmed the necessity of using a local model that considers spatial heterogeneity. MGWR relaxes the fixed bandwidth assumption of the GWR model,further considers the scale effect of built environment factors,effectively avoids overfitting and abnormal symbol reversal. Relevant research should consider the spatial heterogeneity and scale effects of driving mechanisms.


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Last Update: 2023-12-15