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Spatiotemporal Distribution Pattern and Analysis of the Amphibian Diversity in the Ronghu Lake,Zhecheng,Henan Province(PDF)


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Spatiotemporal Distribution Pattern and Analysis of the Amphibian Diversity in the Ronghu Lake,Zhecheng,Henan Province
Shen Shiyuan1Guo Yang1Liu Yao1Zhu Yanjun1Li Hanyu1Xu Haigen2Chen Zhuo1
(1.College of Life Sciences,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453007,China)
(2.Nanjing lnstitute of Environmental Sciences,Ministry of Environmental Protection,Nanjing 210042,China)
amphibian biodiversity spatiotemporal distribution pattern eco-environment protection strategies
Q89; X176
The evaluation of regional biodiversity provides essential insights for the assessments of the biodiversity and the ecological environment in different regions. To determine the amphibian diversity and its spatiotemporal distribution in the Ronghu Lake,Zhecheng,Henan province,ten survey lines and five fencetraps were set up in this study based on the observation standard of biodiversity and the ecological habits of amphibians,and the amphibian diversity monitoring was carried out in Mid April,Early June and Late July during 2016 to 2018. A total of 5 species and 6311 amphibians belonging to one order,four families and five genera were recorded during the observation period,with Pelophylax nigromaculatu as the dominant species and Kaloula borealis as the rare species in this sample area. Comparison analysis of the observation results among different months shown that the highest number of species individuals were observed in June whereas it had the lowest Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H')and Pielou evenness index(J'). According to the analysis of the species diversity comparison among different habitat types,the higher Pielou evenness index(J')was found in the urban area,while the species richness and Shannon-Wiener diversity index(H')were higher outside the urban area. The highest Shannon-wiener diversity index(H')was in river habitat. In general,the amphibian diversity in the Ronghu Lake,Zhecheng,Henan province was low and the overall distribution pattern was relatively stable due to the interactions between the different habitat types,breeding periods,social and economic activities as well as urban ecological environmental protection.


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Last Update: 2023-12-15