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Ideological and Political Design and Practice in “Biogeography” Course Based on Hybrid Teaching(PDF)


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Ideological and Political Design and Practice in “Biogeography” Course Based on Hybrid Teaching
Han Cheng12Hu Zhujun1Deng Yongcui1Jiang Yunbin12
(1.School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
(2.Jiangsu Provincial Key Laboratory of Materials Cycling and Pollution Control,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
curriculum-based ideological and political educationhybrid teachingtheory and practiceideological value guidance
Biogeography is a discipline that studies the distribution laws of surface biological communities and the causes of their formation. It attaches equal importance to both theory and practice. A hybrid teaching model can effectively stimulate students' interest in learning and improve their learning results. Biogeography focuses on the interaction between man and nature, biology and environment, and biology and biology. It has attributes of geography, biology, ecology, and so on. It runs through ideological and political education in its teaching process, which helps realize the fundamental task of cultivating human beings by virtue. However, the combination of ideological and political education with the course content of the biogeography major is weak in the current hybrid teaching in colleges and universities. Its ideological and political teaching cases and integration modes are also lacking, so designing and exploring appropriate ideological and political education resources is urgent. Based on the hybrid teaching of biogeography, such as online and offline, theory and practice, this paper excavates the ideological and political elements and typical teaching cases of biogeography attributes and integrates them into the thematic discussion and dialogue teaching of the course to construct ideological and political goals such as scientific literacy, feelings of home and country, dialectical thinking, and the view of harmony between man and earth, and realize the organic combination of professional knowledge teaching and ideological value guidance.


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