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From Skill Training to Comprehensive Education: a Case Study from the Field Course in Northwest China for the Major of Physical Geography and Resources Environment(PDF)


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From Skill Training to Comprehensive Education: a Case Study from the Field Course in Northwest China for the Major of Physical Geography and Resources Environment
Wang PingZhao ZhijunKong XinggongZhang MaohengWang Yongjin
(School of Geography,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
physical geographyfield coursebuilding strong moral characterideological educationteam work
Field course is required for most geographic majors in many universities. It is an excellent opportunity for students to observe natural phenomena, understand concept and practice field skills. Given the aim of “building strong moral character” for higher education, every geography educators should have to think about how to make good use of field course to achieve the improvement from skill training to comprehensive education. In this paper, we take our field course in Northwest China for example to share our experience on comprehensive education in three procedures, including field instruction, field routing and field examination. Through the implementation of several fostering methods in the three procedures, the ideological and political concepts had been strengthened and the students were fully integrated into the field study. The students not only learned the field skills, but also became deeply loving at the major of geography. Moreover, the field course in Northwest China helped cultivate their teamwork quality and firm their interest on scientific research. Based on our case study, we propose three advantages of field course for comprehensive education, which can be taken into consideration when designing, organizing and implementing field course in the future.


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Last Update: 2023-09-25