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A Low-Order Locking-Free Virtual Element Method for the Linear Elasticity Problem(PDF)


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A Low-Order Locking-Free Virtual Element Method for the Linear Elasticity Problem
Wang XiaohanWang Feng
(School of Mathematical Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
linear elasticity problemlow-order virtual element methodlocking phenomenon
In this paper,we propose a low-order virtual element method for the linear elasticity problem in two dimensions. We construct a discrete space by enriching the low order conforming virtual element space with discontinuous piecewise linear vector-valued functions. A corresponding discrete problem is introduced. It is proved that the error estimation is optimal with respect to the energy norm,and the hidden constant is independent of the Lamé constant λ. Finally,some numerical examples are given to verify the theoretical results.


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Last Update: 2024-03-15