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Construction and Empirical Analysis of Urban Tourism Amenity Index System:a Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta(PDF)


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Construction and Empirical Analysis of Urban Tourism Amenity Index System:a Case Study of the Yangtze River Delta
Wang Yuhuan12Zhou Yongbo12
(1.Center for Chinese Urbanization Studies,Soochow University,Suzhou 215006,China)
(2.School of Social Science,Soochow University,Suzhou 215123,China)
tourism amenityspatial auto-correlationtourism economic developmentcoupling coordination degreethe Yangtze River Delta
Based on amenity theory,the evaluation index of urban tourism amenity is constructed,covering 5 first-level indicators and 31 second-level indicators of natural environment,tourism culture,tourism commerce,tourism service and transportation. Through spatial auto-correlation analysis,the spatial structure of tourism sub-amenity and amenity in the Yangtze River Delta are studied. Additionally,tourism economic development indicators are constructed to explore the coupling coordination relationship between urban tourism amenities and tourism economic development. The study finds that:(1)There are large spatial differences in the level of tourism amenity in the Yangtze River Delta. Overall,the scores of northern cities are lower and southern cities are higher.(2)The tourism amenity of the cities in the Yangtze River Delta shows agglomeration effect in space.(3)The cities in the Yangtze River Delta haven't reached an overall coordinated stage between tourism amenity and tourism economic development,and the development within the region is unbalanced. Nearly half of the cities are out of balance. Cities in the Yangtze River Delta should rely on the regional background to leverage their strengths,and improve the local tourism amenity based on regional integrated development.


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Last Update: 2024-06-15