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Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Metazoan Zooplankton Community Structure in Jiangsu Sihong Hongze Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve(PDF)


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Characteristics and Influencing Factors of Metazoan Zooplankton Community Structure in Jiangsu Sihong Hongze Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve
Chen Jianqin1Sun Wan2Qian Weiya2Xing Yuhui3Zhang Zhenhua1Zhang Chenling1Wang Junqi2Chang Qing2Hu Chaochao2
(1.College of Life Science and Chemical Engineering,Jiangsu Second Normal University,Nanjing 211200,China)
(2.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023 China)
(3.Nanjing Normal University Zhongbei College,Danyang 212334,China)
metazoan zooplanktoncommunity structureenvironmental factorsHongze Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve
Zooplankton is the link between primary producers and other trophic levels. It plays an important role in material circulation,energy flow and information transmission of aquatic ecosystem. In order to explore the status and the dynamics of metazoan zooplankton community structure in Jiangsu Sihong Hongze Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve,4 surveys were conducted in the reserve from August 2020 to July 2021. The study analyzed the metazoan zooplankton community structure,niche characteristics of dominant species and water quality in the reserve. A total of 112 species of metazoan zooplankton belonging to 62 genera were identified,including 67 species of Rotifera belonging to 32 genera,31 species of Cladocera belonging to 17 genera,and 14 species of Copepoda belonging to 13 genera. The average density of metazoan zooplankton was 1636.31 ind./L,with significant seasonal and spatial differences. A total of 15 dominant species of metazoan zooplankton were identified in 4 seasons. The composition of dominant species showed seasonal replacement,in which the structure of dominant species in summer was complex and the structure of other seasons was simple. The niche breadth index of the dominant species ranged from 0.14 to 0.84. According to the niche width of each dominant species in different seasons,the dominant species of metazoan zooplankton in the reserve were divided into 3 groups,wide niche,middle niche and narrow niche,and most species are middle niche. The niche overlap index ranged from 0.22 to 0.95 and the niche overlap index of some species was more than 0.90. The niche overlap degree of dominant species in different seasons varied greatly,and the overall overlap degree was high. The changes of water environment played a leading role in the distribution of metazoan zooplankton community structure. Permanova analysis showed that pH,water temperature(WT),total nitrogen(TN)and secchi depth(SD)were the main environmental factors affecting the community structure of metazoan zooplankton in the reserve. In this study,the main factors affecting the community structure of metazoan zooplankton in the reserve were discussed from the perspective of water physical and chemical factors. All in all,this study showed that the community structure of metazoan zooplankton in the reserve was characterized by a higher proportion of small metazoan zooplankton(Rotifera)than large metazoan zooplankton(Cladocera and Copepoda). Shannon-wiener diversity index,Margalef richness index and Pielou evenness index were used to evaluate the water quality of the reserve,which indicated that the water quality of the Hongze Lake Reserve was at a light to moderate pollution level. The water quality of the reserve still needs to be paid attention to,and ecological management needs to be strengthened. This study can provide basic data and scientific basis for ecological environment monitoring,protection and management in Jiangsu Sihong Hongze Lake Wetland National Nature Reserve.


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Last Update: 2024-09-15