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Comparative Study of Responses to Microplastics in Alien Invasive Trachemys scripta elegans and Native Chinemys reevesii(PDF)


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Comparative Study of Responses to Microplastics in Alien Invasive Trachemys scripta elegans and Native Chinemys reevesii
Chen Yu1He Xinni2Chang Tingting2Gao Shuo23Li Hong2
(1.Jiangsu Second Normal University,Nanjing 210013,China)
(2.School of Life Sciences,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210023,China)
(3.Nanjing Institute of Environmental Science,Ministry of Ecology and Environment,Nanjing 210042,China)
Trachemys scripta elegansChinemys reevesiimicroplasticintestinal microbiomeinvasive species
Global freshwater ecosystems are subject to different degrees of microplastics pollution,and the effects of microplastics on aquatic organisms have received considerable attention. By comparing the differences in physiological responses to microplastic exposure between native and invasive species,the toxic effects of microplastics on organisms can be assessed,and it will also help to understand the adaptive strategies of invasive species under adversity stress. The present study had investigated the impact of microplastics on the gut microbiota of two turtle species including the invasive Trachemys scripta elegans and the native Chinemys reevesii. Microplastics were added to the incubation period(1 mg/L)and the growth period of juvenile turtles(0.1 mg/L,1 mg/L,10 mg/L)in laboratory environment. The results suggested that exposure to microplastics during incubation period resulted in a reduction in the abundance and diversity of gut microbiota in T.scripta elegans and C.reevesii. Exposure to different concentrations of microplastics during the growth period did not cause significant differences in the diversity and abundance of gut microbiota,but caused significant differences in the compositional structure of the gut microbiota. Proteobacteria,Firmicutes were the dominant phyla shared by two species. The dominant genera of the two species were different except for Bacteroides,and the proportions of various bacteria varied significantly. Bacteria resistant to adverse environments were significantly enriched in T.scripta elegans,while a variety of conditionally pathogenic bacteria were significantly enriched in C.reevesii. The results showed that T.scripta elegans was more tolerant to adverse environments than the C.reevesii.


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Last Update: 2025-02-15