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Phase Transition of Nematic Liquid Crystal Induced by External Magnetic Field(PDF)


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Phase Transition of Nematic Liquid Crystal Induced by External Magnetic Field
Wang Bili 1 2 Liu Hong1
( 1. S ch ool of Phys ical Science and T echnology, Nan jing Norm alU n ivers ity, N an jing 210097, C h ina)
( 2. Departm en t of Phys ics, Yan cheng T each ers College, Yancheng 224002, Ch ina)
nem a tic liqu id c rystal phase transition theo ry ex ternal fie ld interaction energy m ean fie ld  theory
U sing a simp lem ode l o f rod- like liqu id crysta l( LC) mo lecu le, an inte raction be tw een arbitrary shape r ig id m o lecu les is considered as the superposition of rod- to-rod inte ractions. W ith the consideration o f an ex terna lm agnetic field, a phase diagram is obtained. The resu lt show s that because of the exte rnal field, the un iax ia l shape m olecu les w ill form a pa ra-un ia ix al nem atic phase at h igher tem pe ra ture. Increasing biax ia lity ofm o lecu lar shape, the system w ill fo rm a pa ra-biax ia l nem atic phase at higher temperature. Decreasing tem perature, the system w ill continuously enter into no rm al biax ia l phase.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05