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Preparation and Characterization of Cesium and Cobalt Complex Oxide(PDF)


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Preparation and Characterization of Cesium and Cobalt Complex Oxide
Wang Baoluo1Fang Weimin2
1.Department of Chemistry,Yancheng Teachers College,Yancheng 224002,China
2. Dep artm en t of Chem istry of XixiC am pu s, Zh ejiang Un ivers ity, H angzhou 310028, Ch ina
hydro-therm a l syn thesis compound ox ide of cobalt and cesium nanom ete r so ft magnetism
The predecessor bu lk is m ade from the e lem enta ry crudem ater ia l such as cobalt nitra te, EDTA and so on, w ith them ethod of hydro- the rma l syn thesis. Then the predecessor is form ed into the compound ox ide o f coba lt and ces ium a fter inc inera tion at h igh temperature. The physical property and structure o f the predecesso r bulk and product can be detected by som em ethods, for ex amp le TG- DTA, XRD, SEM and so on. The resu lt ind ica tes that the predecessor bu lk has the ab ility of resistance to agg lom era tion in the condition o f the exper im ent. A t the h igh tem pera ture, the peak o f XRD diffrac tionm ax imum moves tow ards a sma ll ang le. So the coba lt elem ent is doped into the c rysta l lattice o f CeO2, and nanome ter compound ox ide of coba lt and cesium is form ed. It is a good so ft m agneticm ater ia .l


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Last Update: 2013-05-05