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Mapping Descriptions for Generalized Smash-Biproduct(PDF)


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Mapping Descriptions for Generalized Smash-Biproduct
Jiao Zhengming1Wang Yongzhong12
1.Department of Mathematics,Henan Normal University,Xinxiang 453000,China
2. Departm ent ofM athem at ics, X inx iang N orm al College, X inxiang 453000, Ch in a
genera lized sm ash b iproduct adm issib le m apping system bialgebra m ap
A s the genera lization o f sm ash produc t and sm ash coproduc t, theR sm ash product, W - sm ash coproduc t and g eneralized sm ash b iproduct are introduced by S. caenepeel , B. Ion, G. M ilita ru and S. Zhu. In th is pape r, som e properties of g eneralized smash b iproduct are d iscussed, by introduc ing the con cept of generalized adm issib le m apping sy stem, tw om app ing descriptions for genera lized smash- biprod uct are g iven as w el.l


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Last Update: 2013-05-05