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Star Formation Properties of Cluster and Field Galaxies(PDF)


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Star Formation Properties of Cluster and Field Galaxies
He YingyingYuan Qirong
School of Physical Science and Technology,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
ga lax ies cluster star form ation rate ste llarm ass m eta llic ity
By com paring the phy sica l param eters of c luste r and fie ld g alax ies, such as concentration in dex, spec ific star fo rm ation ra te, ste llar m ass, and me tallic ity, the star form ation properties of ga lax ies w ith in d ifferent g rav itationa l env ironm ents are studied. It is shown tha t h igh ly concen trated ga lax ies dom i nate in ga laxy clusters, and less massive ga lax ies are predom inate ly fie ld g alax ies. The co rre lations of the spec ific star form a tion ratew ith ste llarmass and me tallic ity are found. Add itiona lly, bo th field and cluster g alax ies w ith z< 0. 1 show sign ifican t effect of cosm ic evo lution.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05