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Synthesis of Ti~Ⅳ-Substituted Keggin-Type Polyoxometalates and the Behavior in the Water Solution(PDF)


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Synthesis of Ti~Ⅳ-Substituted Keggin-Type Polyoxometalates and the Behavior in the Water Solution
Liu HongxiaYang Chun
School of Chemistry and Environmental Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
po lyoxom eta lates Kegg in structure T isubstitution e lectro chem ica l prope rties
The T i -substituted tungstopho sphate and tungstosilica te w ere synthesized in ac idic condition ( pH = 2) using T i( OPri ) 4 as T i source. The samp les we re character ized by IR spectroscopy, 31 P NMR and 1H NMR. The states of the samp les in w ater as we ll as the UV-v is spec troscopy and redox properties o f the samp les in the aqueous so lu tion w ere also investigated. It is demonstrated tha t the T i -substituted compounds are o f sa turated K egg in struc ture; and the tung stophosphate sam ples w ere a m ix ture o f pro to nated m onom er and anhydride form dim er. The d im er o f tungstophosphate can convert into them onome r in the aqueous solution; but the d ime r o f tungsto silicate is stable under the sam e cond ition. The ir redox processes in the aqueous so lution invo lve a one-e lec tron reduction o f T i IV and two steps of tw o-e lectron re duc tion o fWV I, w hich a re re la ted to pH o f the aqueous solution


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Last Update: 2013-05-05