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Elimination of the Resistance Plasmidin Niconic Acid Hydroxylation Strain Comamonastestosteroni JA1(PDF)


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Elimination of the Resistance Plasmidin Niconic Acid Hydroxylation Strain Comamonastestosteroni JA1
Yang YaoYuan ShengShang GuangdongDai Yijun
Jiangsu Key Laboratory of Biodiversity and Biotechnology,Key Lab of Microbial Technology in the School of Life Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210097,China
p lasm id elim ina tion nico tin ic ac id dehydrogenase Com am onastestoste roni JA1 antib iotic resistance
Com am onastesto steroni JA1, cata lyzing the hydroxy la tion from n icotin ic ac id to 6- hydroxynico tin icac id, w as found to resist to m any antib io tics. A lkaline lysis ex traction of the JA1 culture reveals a 19 kb p lasm id. 0. 002 5% SDS treatm ent o f the strain e lim inated the ex trachrom osa l plasm id. The m utants lost the kanam ycin res istance ability wh ile keeping the nicotin ic ac id hydroxy lation activ ity.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05