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Early Study in Which Leonhard Euler Made Use of the Mathematical Analysis to the Research of Number Theory(PDF)


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Early Study in Which Leonhard Euler Made Use of the Mathematical Analysis to the Research of Number Theory
Tang Zhihua1Xu Liquan2HSU Leetsch Charles3
1.Nanjing Higher Normal Preschool,Nanjing 210004,China
2. Wuxi Teaching and Research Center,Wuxi 214001, China)
3. Department ofMathematics, Dalian University of Technology, Dalan 116024, China
Leonhard Euler number theoryBernoulli numbers power series expansion Eular p roduct
Here p resented is a brief introduction of Euler’s study. There are many exciting formulas and theorems such as Euler’s infinite summation formula about recip rocal sum with powers of the natural num bers and Euler’s infinite p roduct rep resentation. Another examp le is Euler’s thinking and p roving about the p roof of Fermat’s four‘square theorem, yielding the arithmetical function, the partition function, and p rime ideal. These concep tions, theorems, and formulas were all first discovered accurately by Euler’s demonstrations. Eulerwas extraordinary at converting a p roblem of number theory into mathematical anal ysis. In fact, Euler’s ideas have become more generalized. These facts are enough to p rove that he had extensive and deep knowledge of his subject. Finally, we quoted a few famous examp les of power series, and the law of quadratic recip rocity which Euler found. They are all part of our p recious legacy in the li brary of number theory from Euler.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05