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Effect of Environment Factors on the Reproduction of Pheretima pingi(PDF)


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Effect of Environment Factors on the Reproduction of Pheretima pingi
Yu Zhiyong1Wei Wanhong2Xue Qingyu1Wang Jun1
1.Department of Biology,Yangzhou College of Education,Yangzhou 225002,China
2. College of Bioscience and Biotechnology, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225009, China
Pheretim a pingi rep roduction density temperature humidity acidity or alkalinity
To exp lore the op timum rep roductive condition and artificial breeding method for earthworm, Pheretim a pingi was set as the experimental animal, and the comparison of the growth, development and breed status for them under different density, humidity, temperature and acidity or alkalinity gradients was performed in the p resent study. The results indicated that the condition of 106 /m2 of the raising den sity, 20.00% of the soilmoisture content, pH 616, and 24℃was suitable for earthworm’s growth and re p roduction.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05