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Analysis of a Holling-Tanner Predator-Prey System With Birth Pulse and Harvesting Effect(PDF)


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Analysis of a Holling-Tanner Predator-Prey System With Birth Pulse and Harvesting Effect
Pang Guoping12Zhao Qiang1
1.Department of Mathematics and Computer Science,Yulin Normal University,Yulin 537000,China
H olling-Tanner p redator-p rey sys tem b irth pulse ext inction p erm anen ce them ax imum harvest ing effort
The perm an ence and harvest ing policy of aH o lling-T anner p redator-p rey m odelw ith b irth pu lse and harves ting effect is invest igated. F irst, by the stroboscop ic m ap, w e obtain an exact period ic so lut ion of th e system w h ich has R icker fun ct ion or B everton-H olt funct ion. Furth er, by the Floquet theorem, w e prove the boundary periodic solu tion is alw ays unstab le. And by th e com parison theorem of im puls ive differen tia l equation, w e ob tain the cond ition for perm a nen ce of th e system. At last, w e gain the m axim um harvest ing effort for th e system.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05