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Comparison and Analysis on Remote Sensing Data Fusion Methods——A Case of SPOT Image Dada of Kaifeng Region(PDF)


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Comparison and Analysis on Remote Sensing Data Fusion Methods——A Case of SPOT Image Dada of Kaifeng Region
Pan Xueqin1Qian Lexiang2Gong Shaoyan1
1.Environment & Tourism College,Linyi Teachers College,Linyi 276005,China
2. School of Geographical Science, Guangzhou University, Guangzhou 510006, China
remote sensing data fusion comparison and analysis Kaifeng
Data fusion technology of remote sensing has always been a focus in the international remote sensing field in recent years. But there are no unanimous app raisal criterion and standard about the result of data fusion at p resent. So, the objectivity and credibility of data fusion app raising is the question that peop le have been exp loring all the time. This article has analyzed and evaluated each of the five basic fu sion models qualitatively and quantitatively. It has analyzed the aspects of basic statistics characteristics, relevant characteristic, etc, to evaluate their spectral integrity and spatial characteristics. The analysis and results can offer the foundation for the perfection of the fusion algorithm.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05