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A Study Based on the Integration of Subjectivity and Objectivity for Urban Synthesized Land Grading Factors and Weights Determining(PDF)


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A Study Based on the Integration of Subjectivity and Objectivity for Urban Synthesized Land Grading Factors and Weights Determining
Tang JianFang BinShen ChenhuaYang Yu
School of Geographical Science,Nanjing Normal University,Nanjing 210046,China
regress ion ana lysis land grading land unit we ights de term ining
As determ in ing w e ights is based on the typ ica l examp le o f synthesized land grad ing, that achiev ing land g rad ing and we ights dete rm in ing by integrating Delphi and Regress ion model is a good w ay to a vo id the subjectiv ity in objective analysis, and supp lem ent the dec is ion mak ingm ean ing in objective ana ly sis. W ha t the way does is to make the w e ights actua l and reasonable. Th is artic le usesW u jin district o f Chang zhou of J iangsu Prov ince as a case study, wh ich syn thesized the m ethod o f sub jec tive and ob jec tive ana lysis to de term ining we ights. It has produced an obv ious result in the integration o f subjectiv ity and ob jectiv ity, which have feasib ility for practica l application.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05