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Location of Zeros and Asymptoic Behavior of a Radial Minimizer of a p-Ginzburg-Landau Type(PDF)


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Location of Zeros and Asymptoic Behavior of a Radial Minimizer of a p-Ginzburg-Landau Type
Nie Dongming Lei Yutian
Institute of Mathematics, School of Mathematics and Computer Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing, 210097, China
p-G inzburg-Landau rad ia lm in im izer location of the zero s asym pto ic behavior
In th is paper, we a re concerned w ith a p-G inzburg-Landau type function in the case of p> 2, and the location o f the zeros o f radial m inm ize r is d iscussed. M o reover, theW1, p loc convergence of the radia lm inim izer is proved.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05