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The Superconductivity in MgB2 Film(PDF)


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The Superconductivity in MgB2 Film
Zhu JingboHuang Guiqin
School of Physical Science and Technology, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210097, China
M gB2 film electron-phonon interaction density- functional pe rturba tion theory
U sing pseudopo tential m ethod, the e lec tron ic struc ture ofM gB2 film is stud ied. It is found that the density o f sta tes at the Ferm i level o f the surface B atom has large enhancem ent. U sing the dens ity- functional perturbation theo ry by the linea r responsem ethod, the lattice dynam ics and the electron-phonon interaction o fM gB2 film are studied. The v-i brational frequenc ies at the # po in t o fM gB2 film are ana ly zed. The results show that the phonons in the film becom e soft, and th is softness increases the electron-phonon interaction, resu lting in the enhancem ent of the superconductiv ity o f M gB2 film.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05