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Purification,Chemical Characterization and Sensitive Analysis of the Sheath From Thermotoga Maritima MS8(PDF)


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Purification,Chemical Characterization and Sensitive Analysis of the Sheath From Thermotoga Maritima MS8
Zhou Qing Shao Weilan
School of Life Science, Nanjing Normal University, Nanjing 210046, China
Thermo toga m ar itima ex trem ely therm ophile shea th thin- layer chrom atography transm ission e lec ton m ic roscope
Therm otoga m aritim aM S8 is strictly anaerobic and ex trem ely therm ophilic. The rod- shaped cells are surrounded w ith sheath like structure ba lloon ing over the ends o f the rods. In contrast to the app lication o f centr ifugationa lm embrane filter o r d ia lysis, the m ethod of sucrose isopycnic grad ient centr ifugation was m ore su itab le. Through the analysis o f th in- layer chroma tog raphy, sheath was com posed of pro te ins, lipids and saccharide. It resemb led the cha racte rization o f outerm embrane. And shea th was sensitiv e to Prote inase K w hile the ce ll was still a live. Th is findingm ay prom o te the transform ation study ofThermo toga m ar itima.


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Last Update: 2013-05-05