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Ultrastructure of Peripheral Blood Cell of Deinagkistrodon acutus(PDF)


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Ultrastructure of Peripheral Blood Cell of Deinagkistrodon acutus
Wang Ruping1Li Lin2
1.Yangzhou Vocational College of Environment and Resources, Yangzhou 225007, China
D einagk istrodon acutus b lood cells u ltrastructure
The u ltrastructure o f periphe ra l b lood cells of Deinagkistrodon acutus w as studied by using transm ission electron m icroscopy. The results show that pe riphera l blood consists o f the fo llow ing cell types: ery th rocytes, azuroph ilic g ranu le ce lls neu troph i,l eosinoph i,l basophi,l m onocytes, lymphocy te and throm bocyte. Erythrocy tes is long shottle. Leukocy tes is generally in lowe r leve l in divided ex tent. A zuroph ilic g ranu le ce lls and neutroph ils have a large number o f sm a ll g ranu les. The g ranu les of basoph ils are big. The granules o f eosinoph ils are b ig too, but there are a few g ranu les hav ing som e deep dyed spo t. M onocytes ce ll has two types: imm ature cell and m ature ce l.l


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Last Update: 2013-05-05