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Some Remarks on Star-Lindelf Spaces(PDF)


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Some Remarks on Star-Lindelf Spaces
Li Rui1Han Guangfa2Song Yankui2
1.Department of Applied Mathematics,Shanghai Finance University,Shanghai 201209,China
2. S chool ofM athem atics and C ompu ter Science, N an jing Norm alUn iversity, Nan jing 210097, Ch ina
countably com pac t L inde lÊf sta r-L inde lÊ f
A spaceX is star-LindelÊ f if for every open cover U ofX, there ex ists a coun tab le subsetF o fX such that St (F, U) =X. In th is note, we d iscuss the re la tionsh ip be tw een star-L inde lÊ f spaces and re lated spaces, and g ive an examp le show ing the product o f tw o countab le compact spaces is not star-L inde lÊ .f


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Last Update: 2013-05-05