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A Bound on Quasi-Laplacian Spectral Radius of Connected Graphs(PDF)


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A Bound on Quasi-Laplacian Spectral Radius of Connected Graphs
Zhu Xiaoxin1Sun Zhiren2Cao Chunzheng1
( 1. School ofM athem atics and Phys ics, N an jing Un iversity of Inform at ion Science and T echnology, Nan jing 210044, Ch ina)
( 2. School ofMathem atics and Com puter S cien ce, Nan jing Norm alUn iversity, Nan jing 210097, Ch ina)
connected g raphs quas-i Laplac ian m atrix e igenv alue spec tral radius deg ree sequence
LetG be a connected g raph, its quas-i Lap lac ian m atrix isQ (G ) = D (G ) + A(G ), w he reD (G ) is the d iagonal m atr ix o f its vertex degrees andA (G ) is its ad jacencym atrix. U sing som e properties o fm atr ix, a sharp upper bound on the quas-iLaplac ian spectra l rad ius o f connec ted g raphs is ob tained, and the super ior ity o f the upper bound is compared w ith othe r bounds through some g raphs


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Last Update: 2013-05-05