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Study on Liquid Fermentative Culture Conditions of Phellinus baumii(PDF)


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Study on Liquid Fermentative Culture Conditions of Phellinus baumii
Wen XingbingLiu JihuaZhou YuanYu Boyang
Department of Complex Prescription of TCM,China Pharmaceutical University,Nanjing 210038,China
P hellinus baum ii subme rged ferm entation my ce lium biom ss po lysaccha ride CL
CL, m ycelia b iomass and output of ex trace llular po ly sacchar idew as used as prim ary endpo int, and the effect o f grow th tim e, initia l pH, carbon source, n itrogen source and ion on the output o fm yce lium in subm erg ed ferm entation o fPhellinus baum ii w as studied. The resu lts showed tha t grow th tim e w as 7 day s, the optim um pH w as 6, sucrose w as the optim um ca rbon source, bean cakew as the op tim um n itrogen source, optim um ion w as theM gSO4, optimum vo lum e w as 40 mL /150mL, and optim um temperature w as 26℃ .


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Last Update: 2013-05-05